Dear St. Croix

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Dear St. Croix,

Thank you.

If providing us with sparkling blue water, or happily swaying palm trees wasn’t enough of a gift already, you have shown us that in a time of crisis, we should all be blessed to be standing on your back.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, you have given us more than we could ever ask for:

✨You provided us sunshine and a pleasant cool breeze to grace our faces, while the news broadcasted fear and pandemonium.

✨You provided us with the most beautiful, glistening ocean to gaze at while it felt like the world around us was collapsing.

✨You provided us rolling waves to stop and listen to as we went on an afternoon stroll, instead of the text messages dinging from panicking family members and friends around the country.

✨You provided us with rainy days during our first week of quarantine, as if to personally tell us to stay safely inside our homes and enjoy the peaceful sound of the water dripping down onto our wooden roofs.

✨You provided us with full cisterns during a time of drought, so not to add another economic blow to our pocketbooks.

✨You provided us with a strong sense of community, one that is so close knit that even in this time of worry, fear and suspicion, you taught us to wave hello at passing strangers, smile to the person next to you at the grocery store and be cordial to our fellow neighbor. You kept us close when we couldn’t be. You kept us friendly to calm the nervousness around us. Even this virus couldn’t keep us from saying “Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night.”

✨You provided us with the training and experience necessary to survive the uncertainty of this pandemic. If we could make it through two recent category five hurricanes and go with out power, running water and cell service for months, we can absolutely handle this trying time. We still have our refrigerators, don't we?

✨You provided us with brave and courageous citizens to keep the island running in this time of crisis. The healthcare workers to take care of us, the restaurant and grocery employees to feed us, the delivery workers to bring in cargo, mail and goods from the seaport, and airport to our post office, office or home. The educators to teach our children from home, the media outlets to keep our island in the know. Everyone has banded to work together in many ways during this uncertain time.

✨You provided us with a population of talented artists, musicians, chefs, photographers, authors, yoga teachers, dancers (and more) to distract us from the fear and paranoia surrounding us. So many of these individuals have posted their works on social media for us to enjoy as we stay inside and keep our island population safe. It's a beautiful thing to see so many groups forming and services offered during this time to keep our minds entertained and our hearts full.

✨You provided us with the most beautiful, natural playground to explore while staying distant. You made staying safe during this time easier with your ever-inviting beaches, rain forests, monuments, ruins, foliage, and amazing island creatures to keep us entertained. Our children are happy as they can run in the grass, roll in the sand, climb rocks, swing from tree limbs, catch lizards, play in the water and enjoy the outdoors.

✨And lastly, you taught us to slow down, maybe a little more than before, and take in every moment of our beloved island time.

So, thank you St. Croix. There would be no other place in the world I would rather be quarantined.

Sincerely yours,
Angela Coursey
Island Wife, Mother and Friend