How to Make Cucumber & Chlorophyll Juice 101

Beautiful locally grown Crucian cucumbers purchased from a stand on the side of the road. Can’t get any fresher than that!

Beautiful locally grown Crucian cucumbers purchased from a stand on the side of the road. Can’t get any fresher than that!

Reviewed by Dr. Micah McIntosh

Cucumbers aren’t just for spa days and salads anymore!

Did you know that there are a plethora of health benefits to drinking a glass of fresh cucumber juice every day? Add a dash of chlorophyll and Voila! Magical Green Juice that sure packs a healthful punch!

What if I told you that this green juice can increase your energy levels, help you loose weight, give you glowing skin and even help to alleviate your eczema?! Well, Yes, It’s true! And I know from personal experience.

Fresh cucumber juice with chlorophyll is something you will absolutely want to incorporate into your daily routine. I have been drinking cucumber juice with chlorophyll for almost a year now and the days that I don’t have my juice, my body knows it. I’ve been instructed by my healthcare professional to incorporate this duo into my daily life to naturally fight the symptoms of my Crohn’s Disease. I sometimes get debilitating eczema on my hands as a side effect of my disease and this juice has helped to significantly calm down the inflammation.

Mother Nature MAGIC!!!

Right now, the world is ranting and raving over cucumber juice as the new replacement to the celery juice craze, but the secret that everyone is missing… that little dash of chlorophyll

Here are a few reasons why you should be drinking Cucumber and Chlorophyll Juice

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1.       It is Deeply Hydrating: Cucumbers are made of 96% water, so this juice is an excellent choice for a daily hydration pick me up. If you suffer from chronic dehydration (hello Crohn’s Disease) or you just don’t drink enough fluids, this is a great substitute. Not only are you giving your body the water it needs to re-hydrate, you are also ingesting the necessary nutrients and minerals your body needs for your cells to function. Both Cucumbers and Chlorophyll are rich in micro nutrients. Cucumbers contain Vitamin K (healthy blood and bones), and Chlorophyll helps to increase vitamin A absorption in your body (healthy eyes and skin) and contains magnesium which will boost your immune system.

2.       Full of Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The word everyone wants to hear these days, especially individuals suffering from an auto-immune disease. This powerful combination can help rid your body of inflammation. Cucumbers contain lignans which are known to reduce inflammation.  Both cucumbers and chlorophyll also help your body flush out toxins and alkalize your body. Cucumbers are one of the most alkaline foods you can consume. Moving our bodies from an acidic (toxic) state to an alkaline state will greatly decrease inflammation. I notice when I drink this juice I urinate within minutes, so make sure you have access to the bathroom. Chlorophyll can also help provide relief from constipation.

3.       Your skin will be glowing: No need to get pregnant to enjoy that beloved pregnancy glow, consuming this juice daily will give you that youthful glow all year round without the pain experienced in childbirth. Cucumbers are a natural skin brightener and are known to reduce the dark circles under your eyes. Chlorophyll is rich in antioxidants which help to detoxify and cleanse your blood leading to less acne breakouts. Chlorophyll also helps with vitamin C metabolism, which is necessary for healthy skin. When I drink this combination daily, I notice friends and family complimenting my skin often.  But even more exciting is that my eczema will disappear naturally without the use of heavy steroid creams. Pretty amazing stuff here!

4.       Ward off Cancer Cells: Cucumbers and chlorophyll are both phytochemical rich and chemopreventative. Cucumbers contain cucurbitacin, and one study showed that cucurbitacin B inhibited prostate cancer growth in mice. A 1980 study found that rainbow trout that consumed chlorophyll greatly reduced the damage to their liver DNA. Chlorophyll also reduces the absorption of 3 harmful dietary carcinogens that you can be exposed to when consuming cooked animal muscle meat, smoked and barbecued food and mold caused by certain species of fungi.

5.       Help Shed the Holiday (or Quarantine) Pounds: Cucumbers are extremely low in calories and this powerful combination detoxifies your body to help get rid of the excess pounds that you may have added during holidays or quarantine. Cucumbers can also aid in reducing your blood sugar levels, helping to regulate your mood. Since Chlorophyll helps reduce constipation, regulating your bowels means less waste sitting in your body adding to excess bloat and weight.

So what are you waiting for! Grab a bagful of cucumbers the next time you stop at the store or your local farmers market and dust off your juicer . You’re going to want to start sipping on a glass of fresh cucumber and chlorophyll juice ASAP!

Here’s What you’ll need to get started:

Make Sure you choose liquid chlorophyll that is extracted from alfalfa, which you can find here. If you need a juicer, this is the one I use. It’s not fancy but it does the job well. You can find it here. If you don’t have a juicer, you could always blend your cucumbers and then put them through a mesh cheese cloth to extract the juice.

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Step 1: Wash and peel your cucumbers.


Step 2: Cut your cucumbers into spears


Step 3: Using your juicer, run your cucumbers through the machine making sure to use a mason jar or other equivalent container for collection & storage


Step 4: (Optional) take the collected pulp and run back through your juicer 1-2x more. This will ensure more juice is collected and keep waste to a minimum.


Step 5: Add 1 Tablespoon of Chlorophyll to each 16oz (2 cup) mason jar of juice. This additional step adds numerous health benefits that you don’t want to miss!


Step 6: Shake well!

Step 7: ENJOY! This tastes best fresh over ice. Store any unused portion in the fridge for up to 24 hours.


This blog post is not intended to replace any advice given to you by medical professionals. Please consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new diet regimen. All information in this post is based on my own research and personal experience consuming this juice. If you would like to learn more about my healthcare professional and how she can help you heal from disease using the bounty of Mother Nature you can contact her here. This post was not sponsored, all beliefs and testimonials are my own.


1.  Pulok K Mukherjeea, Neelesh K. Nema, Niladri Maitya, Birendra K. Sarkarb.  “Phytochemical and Theropeutic Potential of Cucumber.” Fitoterapia. Volume 84, January 2013, pages 227-236. Science Direct, Accessed June 26, 2020.

2.       Yajuarn Gaoa Mohammad, Shyfullslama Jiang Tiana, Vivian Wai, Yan Luib Dong Xiaoa, “Inactivation of ATP citrate lyase by Cucurbitacin B: A bioactive compound from cucumber, inhibits prostate cancer growth.” Cancer Letters. Volume 349, Issue 1, July 10 2014, pages 15-25. Accessed July 1, 2020.

3.       Bhat, S.R. “Chlorophyll the Wonder Pigment.” Science Reporter. July 2005, pages 29-32. Accessed June 26, 2020.

4.       Link, Rachel. “Benefits of Eating Cucumber.” Healthline. May 19, 2017. Accessed June 26, 2020.

5.       “Vitamin K Fact Sheet.” National Institutes of Health: Office of Dietary Supplements. February 24, 2020. Accessed July 1, 2020.

6.       Berry, Jennifer. “What are the Benefits of Chlorophyll.” Medical News Today. July 4, 2018. Accessed June 26, 2020.

7.       Khare, Vishwa. “Benefits of Chlorophyll for your Skin.” Be Beautiful In. April 29, 2018. Accessed July 1,2020.

8.       Pie, Mulumba. “Forget Celery, 2020 is All About Cucumber Juice.” Longevity. January 29, 2020. Accessed June 26, 2020.

9.       H. Murad, M.A. Nyc. “Evaluating the Potential Benefits of Cucumbers for Improved Health and Skin Care.” Journal of Aging Research and Clinical Practice. Volume 5, Number 3, June 30, 2016. Accessed June 27, 2020.

10.   Ferruzzi, M.G., Bohm, V., Courtney P.D., Schwartz, S.J. “Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Activity of Dietary Chlorophyll Derivatives Determined by Radical Scavenging and Bacterial Reverse Mutagenesis Assays.” Journal of Food Science July 20, 2006. Wiley Online Library Accessed June 26, 2020.