How to Enjoy a Crucian Plum

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Fall in the Caribbean


As friends and family on social media flood your feeds with pumpkin patches, color changing leaves and cozy sweaters, our little island in the Caribbean is celebrating fall in a whole different way.

The word crisp and cool is used quite often to describe fall weather back home in Ohio, but here on St. Croix the only thing turning crisp is our pool water. Yes, we may get the occasional chilly day thanks to Hurricane Season, and I do get to take out a sweater once or twice thanks to tropical storms blowing by, but what we enjoy at just the right time are the sweet and tart tiny Crucian plums. And just like the leaves changing in the states, our little Crucian plums go from a deep emerald green to a magnificent orange signaling their ripeness.

You can order your own St. Croix cup by clicking the picture :)

You can order your own St. Croix cup by clicking the picture :)

These little plums fill that space in my heart that once was filled with apple orchids and pumpkin patches. Instead of filling wooden bushels with apples, I now fill them with Crucian plums.

We refer to our plum tree as “Dadda’s plums“ since my husband planted and babied this tree for decades. She made it through years of droughts, as other trees and plants perished beside her. Hurricane’s Irma and Maria couldn’t sweep this tree from our yard in 2017 as they ripped away so many others. Instead, our little plum tree did a back bend and continued onward in her growth.

My son has gravitated to this little plum tree since the day he could crawl. He’s been fascinated that he can independently pick a fruit from this tree, no matter what height he may be. For months he’s been watching and patiently waiting for her fruit to go from green to orange and as the first fruit started to ripen in mid September, he pounced.

Picking fruit to him is like an Easter Egg hunt. He searches through the leaves and gets so excited when he finds a prized orange plum. With that being said, we have been gathering A LOT of plums this year. It’s the first time in ages that the ground isn’t covered in forgotten plums, as my son has picked them all before they could fall. I’m sure our fruit rats and birds aren’t as happy, but I’m thrilled our little plum tree is getting the proper enjoyment she deserved. She is a survivor after all.

Orion Picking Crucian Plums in 2020.

As the universe aligned and provided my toddler with these precious Crucian plums to pick, he discovered the word “mine.” And just like that I had a house scattered with his plums.


My house was covered in plums. I even found them in the bathroom, under my desk and in my bed.

But one can only eat so many plums.

I then asked myself, What can I do with these little Crucian Plums besides just eat them off the tree?

So here is a list of how you, too, can enjoy this delicious little island fruit. Thanks Shera for the inspiration!

How to Enjoy a Crucian Plum:

1. Pick it off the tree and EAT IT!

  1. Pick a beautiful little orange Crucian Plum right off the tree.

  2. Bite into the plum and suck out the juicy insides. I don’t eat the skin and manage to keep the seed in the skin. It’s a real treat. Tart, yet sweet. The harder ones are more tart than sweet. Be careful too, that the juice can stain your clothes!

**Be mindful as this little Crucian plum has a giant seed inside which can be a choking hazard for all ages. I recommend getting a Life Vac to keep your family safe in the case of a choking emergency. It’s a non-invasive rescue device that can save a life in the event of a choking emergency when the heimlich maneuver doesn’t work, or you are by yourself. Check them out! You can order a home kit here or a travel kit here. This is a great item to have on hand as most of our island fruits have seeds.

2. Make Crucian Plum Liquid Gold

  1. Take a basket of Crucian plums and thoroughly clean them with fruit soak and water. I use Thieves Fruit and Veggie soak which you can get here. (My member ID at checkout is 4286821 or email me and I’ll help you place an order)

  2. Add your plums to a large stock pot, like this one here. (I use Cuisinart and its 1/3 of the price of the fancy brands but does a great job). Cover your Crucian plums ‘dem with water.

  3. Bring to a boil with the lid halfway on and reduce the heat to a simmer. Simmer your Crucian plums until the liquid is reduced by half. Mine took 1.5 hours as I had a lot of plums. Strain away the skin and seeds and now you’re left with sweet smelling Crucian Plum Liquid Gold.

3. Make Crucian Plum Juice

  1. Grab a glass of ice and add 1 Part Crucian Plum Liquid Gold to 2 parts water. Stir and Enjoy. It’s best served chilled and decorated with a plum. Add a dash of Cruzan Rum and you’ll be enjoying the island vibes in no time.

4. Make a Crucian Plum Spread for your Toast

  1. Take 1/2 cup of Crucian Plum liquid Gold and simmer over medium/medium low heat until reduced by half (about 5 minutes). Spread immediately over toast.

  2. This makes enough for about 2 slices of toast. It’s tart but not too much so. I’m sure you could have added a dash of honey or sugar while it was reducing, but we didn’t find it to be necessary.

    5. Make a Crucian Plum Breakfast Syrup

  1. Take 1 part Crucian Plum Liquid Gold and mix with 1 part Pure Maple Syrup. Reduce over medium/medium low heat for about 2 minutes.

  2. Serve over pancakes or waffles for a Caribbean twist to your morning breakfast or brunch! Need pure maple syrup, find some here or an organic option here .

6. Freeze for a Sweet Treat on a Hot Day


No explanation needed for this one! Just grab your plums, give them a good wash and dry. Toss them in a freezer bag and pop in the freezer to enjoy at a later time. Impress your family and friends with a little Crucian Plum for the next time they visit!

I may be the only person in my family that doesn’t like frozen fruit, so this is a pass for me. My teeth are hurting just thinking about it! But the rest of my family enjoys them frozen and I’m always amused when I find random bags of plums hidden in the freezer.

**Keep the plastic waste down and use Stasher reusable freezer bags that you can get here.

So Tell Me, How do YOU enjoy a Crucian Plum on these beautiful Fall Days in the Caribbean? Drop me a comment below! And If you make any of the goodies listed above, let’s hear how you liked them by tagging me on Social Media @mudpuddlesandmotherhood

Orion reaching for the stars, I mean plums :)

Orion reaching for the stars, I mean plums :)

Send me an email or DM me on Social Media to find out the amazing benefits of Young Living Essential Oils and Cleaning Products. This post featured the Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak which removes dirt and pesticides from your fruit and vegetables wi…

Send me an email or DM me on Social Media to find out the amazing benefits of Young Living Essential Oils and Cleaning Products. This post featured the Thieves Fruit and Veggie Soak which removes dirt and pesticides from your fruit and vegetables with out any toxic chemicals. Thieves cleaners and household products are what we use in our home and it’s a relief knowing that I don’t have to worry about my toddler getting into the products underneath my sink. We stay clean and Green and you can too! I would love to chat with you about making your home greener!

And if you like what you read today, please share and comment below!

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Hey There!

I’m Angela.

I’m a fun-loving, sand chasing island mom of two. I have a toddler son and a teenage bonus daughter, so life is a beautiful handful. I’m raising my family on the tiny little island of St. Croix here in the Caribbean. Living in America’s paradise has taught me to let go of my past mud puddles, investigate more natural ways to heal my Crohn’s Disease and graciously enjoy every moment as a new mom. Here is a peak into my world.

Thanks for stopping by!

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